Tiktok Genre Roulette

Welcome to my blog! I’m happy to announce that I’ll be starting a Tiktok exclusive series called “Genre Roulette” where I am going to be randomly selecting a genre each week and making a review for a film in that genre on my Tiktok.

The genres I’ve picked out are:

  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Crime
  • Horror
  • Thriller
  • War
  • Action
  • History
  • Drama
  • Comedy
  • Family

Within each genre, I’ve picked four subcategories to be randomly picked as well, such as:

  • popular film
  • obscure film
  • newer film (within the past 3 years)
  • older film (at least 30 years old)

Once I pick the random genre and random subcategory, I’ll have picked the movie I’ll be reviewing in the next week’s video.

Make sure to follow me on Tiktok: @mm_watchlist